Thursday, 22 March 2012

Product photography

For a recent photography assignment we were free to explore many different areas of photography and one of the areas I decided to focus on was product photography. Before this module I’d never really used a photographic studio (I do have previous experience in television studios) so this was a real learning curve. For the product photography I used the lighting chair and a singularly key light to highlight specific pieces of detail on the products. For two of the photographs (the watch and the winged bracelet) I used a black background and a black watch box to provide the backdrop, which in turn made the pieces stand out, and highlighted the gemstones. For the other photograph I used the same watch box to prop up a vintage sequined black and gold belt to provide the background the Perspex on the lighting table to provide the base of the photo. For all the photos I subtly moved the key light around the shot but mainly kept it in front of the products as it worked really well. I move the light and it’s angle to hit certain areas I wanted to stand out on the products. For all these shots I decided to use a macro lens on manual focus to pick up the small details and also a tripod to provide stability.

I found the results to be highly effective and along with some editing using Photoshop I think they come out great and I think they would fit right in with a successful advertisement campaign.

You can also see the photos in greater detail on my Flickr account.

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