Monday, 3 June 2013

Business Card Experimentation

In my visual design lesson last week we learnt how to use 'Adobe InDesign' and also about typography and then we formatted what we learnt into a business card. I had so much fun doing this, and although I’m still working on my own personal business card I decided in my spare time to have a go at creating some business cards for a variety of different causes and people using only typography.
Business card one: for Adam.

My boyfriend is currently a catering student who aspires to be a chef. I decided to use a green colour on the right side to create a slight border constructed of technical food terms (I tried to include terms that I know that he likes, especially barbecue) My favourite part of this business card is how I used his full name (which is luckily four words!) to construct a fork silhouette. I decided to use the colour as it has connotations of being organic, healthy and fresh.
Business card 2: Breast Cancer awareness.
I decided to use 2 shades of pink to represent the iconic pink ribbon logo. Originally I intended to incorporate the phrase ‘FIGHT BREAST CANCER’ into the shape of the ribbon, however I’m not sure how to curve text yet and I wanted it to look good. Overall I’m quite happy with this, I think the use of 2 different shades of pink is effective. I also tried to put a block of colour behind ‘fight together ‘ which was successful!
I intend to get feedback from peers and my teacher and improve on what I've started and also find people I know who would also want a business card and put what I've learnt into practice!
(Business Cards generated in 2010, post bought over from Posterous)

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